East Village Eats

Food & Drink recommendations straight from the East Village, New York City

Site News

You may have noticed the lack of posts recently, but I’ve been in the process from moving from the WordPress.com platform, to the self-hosted WordPress.org.  This will allow me to use Javascript, add videos & use other, more robust features.  All in all, this should improve the experience here at East Village Eats.  Hopefully I’ll […]

Casa Adela Shuttered by DOH

The Department of Health has continued their ‘onslaught’ of the East Village  & shuttered Pueroto Rican mainstay Casa Adela (66 Avenue C near 5th Street) two days ago.  As the sign indicates, the fridges were not at the proper temperature.  Hopefully they’ll sort this out soon & return to do what they do best; serving […]

Marco Polo Cafe (Closed)

After the folks @SaintDelivery mentioned the amazing $1 Sliders at Marco Polo Cafe (102 St. Marks, near 1st Avenue) I decided that I had to try them out for myself.  Needless to say, I’ve been there 3 times in the last 4 days; AMAZING.  Named after the famed Venetian explorer that opened up the Chinese […]

6th St. Kitchen Unveils New Fall Menu

6th Street Kitchen (507 East 6th Street between Avenue A & B) has unvieled their fall dinner menu (click picture to enlarge) & it’s looking pretty damn tasty!  I’ve reviewed them berore (here) & have had nothing but good things to say about my dining experience there.  Also noteworthy is that they will be hosting a […]

Arcane Turns 2!

Arcane, the French-Caribbean restaurant,  is celebrating it’s second birthday today.  I just passed by & it looked pretty packed, with party-goers sharing the sidewalk with people drinking at Zum Schneider next door.  I did review the brunch there back in May (not very favorably), but I have as yet to have dinner.  Anyway; Happy Birthday […]

6th Street Kitch Fall Preview Tasting

From 6th Street Kitchen‘s blog (review here); On Friday, September 17th, 6th Street Kitchen will be serving a Fall Preview Tasting before the fall menu debuts on September 22nd. For $45 per person, Chef Gregory Torrech will be serving 7 dishes from the fall menu including Duck Raviolo with Swiss Chard & Raisins, Sweet & […]

Back Forty

I reviewed the brunch at Back Forty (190 Avenue B @ 12th Street) back in March, so I decided that it was time for me to get some dinner there.  I went with my Mom midweek, so we luckily didn’t have to wait for a table even though the place was busy.  We got the […]

Esperanto Revisited

So after my last review of brunch at Esperanto (review here) where I complained about the Huevos Loisada, I decided to post about the great brunch food there, namely the cheeseburger.  It was my birthday (Yay Me!) so I went with my mother & brother & got a pretty choice seat by the entrance.

More Content Coming Soon

With NYU students coming back to the hood in massive throngs (have you seen Third Avenue?  It’s a gigantic clusterfuck!  No, really…), I’ve decided to start reviewing bars as well.  What goes better with food than booze?  If there’s anything I know better than where to eat, it’s where to get hammered. Obviously this is […]

Petite Abeille

The family (well 4 out of 6 of us) got together last night for dinner at a Belgian restaurant that we pass frequently.  Petite Abeille (401 East 20th Street) is a pretty bustling restaurant with plenty of outdoor seating right on the corner of 1st Avenue.  It being Belgian, we were immediately thinking Moules Frite, […]

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