East Village Eats

Food & Drink recommendations straight from the East Village, New York City

Locals Only Deal at Carteles

From March 15th to April 1st, Cuban sandwich shop Carteles (443 East 6th Street @ Avenue A, attached to the yet to open Cienfuegos) will be offering locals (must bring proof of residency; driver’s license, mail, etc.) a sandwich & chips for $5 (reduced from $8.50).  Lunchtime only, 3-7pm.  Get your pressed sandwich on! Image […]

EZ Cracker?!?

I don’t know which genius thought this useless thing up, but for $19.95 you can get yourself an EZ Cracker (& the EZ Scrambler for FREE!  a $20 value!)!  It’ll probably not fit into your kitchen drawer, be impossible to clean & only get used once as a novelty.  I bet that it’s a clusterfuck […]

Stromboli Pizza Addition

Much beloved Stromboli Pizza’s (83 St. Marks Place @ 1st Avenue) hideous shitbox addition is apparently open for business.  I don’t mind the pizza there, but you couldn’t pay me to sit in that plywood tinderbox… Further pictures & coverage via Evgrieve. Update (4/11/10); The addition looks a bit less shitty now with signage & coverings.  I […]

Cafetasia East

After mocking Cafetasia (85 Avenue A between 5th & 6th streets) earlier for being ‘just another’ Thai restaurant on the Ave., I went there today with a friend for some Happy Hour (more like Happy Day! 12:30-5pm) food.  I can’t remember the name of the spot that used to be here, but Cafetasia did a […]

Queen of Sheba

A bunch of us got together to celebrate & my buddy, DJ, took us all to Queen of Sheba (650 10th avenue @46th St.) for some authentic Ethiopian fare.  This was my second time to an Ethiopian restaurant with DJ (he had taken us to Awash in the East Village) & I thought I knew […]


This review might be a bit skewed as I used to live above Casimir (103-105 Avenue B @6-7th St.) from 2001-2005, so I’ll just talk about the recent addition of the Prix Fixe daily from 5:30-7pm. At $20, this is a real steal. The selection of plates are great (I always opt for the Country […]

Cafe Habana

I went to ‘hipster-laden’ Cafe Habana a while back with my brother & his girlfriend & I’m only just getting around to writing it up.  This is well out of my normal range, but we were shopping in the area & hungry.  I’ll let you know now that the place is tiny & really cramped, plus it’s […]

Thursday Club

Not exactly an East Village post, but check out my write-up of this insanely good 5 course meal I had for my most recent dinner club in Brooklyn. The menu included snails, pork terrine, duck, skate & braised short ribs.  Oh & obviously a lot of wine…  It was AMAZING!

Taste of 7th Street

5 restaurants on 7th street in the East Village are holding a food event this weekend only.  This Saturday & Sunday you can sample food from Luke’s Lobster, Porchetta, Xoom, Butter Lane & Caracas Arepas.  Scoop Street has 50% off tickets available today only!  $18 gets you $35 worth of food!  I’m going & I […]

Singa’s Famous Pizza (Closed)

Regular readers of my blog (yes, both of you…) will know that I’ve been watching the Singas space (94 Avenue C @ 6th Street) quite closely. Well, finally they’ve opened! I stopped by Singas today (formerly at 2nd Avenue) to try the pie out. Let me start by letting you know that this place is […]

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