East Village Eats

Food & Drink recommendations straight from the East Village, New York City

NY Loves Japan Recap

The charity event at The Summit Bar (133 Avenue C between 8th & 9th street, previous mention here) last Monday was a great success & organizer Jenny Adams reports that there were between 200 & 300 attendees throughout the night & $6,000 was raised for Japan Society’s Earthquake Relief Fund. I just wanted to thank […]

E & S Wholesome Foods Already Falling Apart

E & S Wholesome Foods, the snazzy-looking bodega that opened recently at 226 East 7th street at Avenue C is already looking a bit ragged.  There has been some serious ‘signage slippage’ lately.  I’ve been in there a few times & I think it’s a great new addition to the neighborhood & the prices are […]

Flying Pigs Farm Launches CSA

Normally when I think of CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture), I immediately imaging baskets laden with fresh produce but Washington County, NY’s Flying Pigs Farms is trying to change all that by starting a pork CSA.  The heritage breed pork (Large Blacks, Gloucestershire Old Spots, and Tamworths) is currently available at Union Square Greenmarket & served […]

Changes on the horizon for Casimir?

Late last month East Village blogger EVGrieve reported that Casimir (103 Avenue B between 6th & 7th street, review here) was on tonight’s Community Board 3/SLA docket.  It turns out that owner Guillaume Blestel has sold the restaurant.  I spoke with some of the employees over the weekend & not much is known about the […]

Idle Hands

Idle Hands is a self-proclaimed ‘Bourbon, Beer & Rock’ bar located downstairs at 25 Avenue B (between 2nd & 3rd St.) & honestly that’s as good of a description as you’re going to get.  Initially I was somewhat skeptical of the bar because of the brightly lit & eye-catchingly orange Billy Hurricane’s bar that resides […]

Drink & Draw!

Last Wednesday (April 6th) local East Village bar 7B/Horseshoe Bar/Vazacs (108 Avenue B at 7th Street) started a biweekly gathering of artists & locals for Happy Hour drink specials, drawing & conversations on art.  On the first & third Wednesdays from 3-7pm  (the next one is April 20th) you can sharpen your crayons & head […]

New York Loves Japan

Apparently Facebook isn’t just for wasting time at work as I got an invite to the New York Loves Japan party (further info here) going down this Monday April 11th at The Summit Bar (133 Avenue C between 8th & 9th street).  $20 on the door gets you to unlimited booze-laden punches from 7-11pm.  Not […]


Morning to Midnight, aka M2M, is a bright Asian supermarket packed full of lots of items that you would otherwise have to go to Chinatown or Koreatown to find.  Even if I really don’t need anything, I often find myself going into M2M just to browse the aisles and have a look around.  Before I […]

The Big Beef Dinner at Northern Spy Food Co.

One of my favorite local restaurants, Northern Spy Food Co. (511 East 12th Street between A & 1st Avenue, previously reviewed here) is serving up a 4 course meal next Wednesday April 13th.  The locally sourced, pasture raised beef is provided by Fleisher’s & $50 will get you the following ($20-$36 for wine pairing); Steak […]


Where should I begin?  Minca has cured both colds & hangovers since I started going there in 2004. Even with Kuboya Ramen just next door & Rai Rai Ken not too far away, I still feel like Minca is the best ramen in the East Village (I have yet to try, Setagaya, Ippudo & Robataki which […]

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