East Village Eats

Food & Drink recommendations straight from the East Village, New York City

Bacon Caramel Toffee

I recently received a box of Vosges’ Bacon Caramel Toffee as a gift from a foodie friend.  Basically I think that any flavor can be enhanced by bacon & desserts/chocolate/toffee is no exception!  The toffee & chocolate are both delicious, but it’s the addition of Nueske‘s Applewood Smoked Bacon that puts these tasty little treats […]

Luke’s Lobster

Blink & you’ll miss this little whole in the wall.  Luke’s Lobster (93 East 7th Street @1st Avenue) is nestled in-between the two Caracas Arepas restaurants on the north side of the street.  They’ve been getting a lot of press (word of mouth, the blogosphere, the trail of lobster shells leading down 7th Street) lately […]

Broadway Panhandler

Broadway Panhandler (65 East 8th Street @ Broadway) is pretty much a home cooks wet dream.  I like to think of it as a cross between Crate & Barrel & the restaurant supply stores along the Bowery.  You can find pretty much everything you need here.  I particularly like the knife department in the back […]

Ray’s Candy might be closing…

Sad news from the East Village today.  The rumor mill is in full effect with speculation that 36 year old Ray’s Candy Store (113 Avenue A @ 7th Street) is 2 months behind on rent & the landlord (through their goon/agent) is threatening to padlock the doors as soon as tomorrow. ‘according to Ray at […]


Takahachi (85 Avenue A @6th St.) is by far my favorite sushi restaurant in the East Village.  My brother & I started going there back in 2002 when we first moved into the East Village & we still continue to eat there till this day (actually, as I type, my stomach is full of the […]

Kambi Ramen House

I’m a really big fan of Minca on 5th street, so I was excited to check out their ‘sister-restaurant’ Kambi (351 14th Street at 1st Avenue).  It’s pretty much the same as Minca, but much larger & with a more open feel.  You have a bit more elbow room here, which is a plus.  We […]

Pete’s Tavern

I braved the snow earlier today to meet my father & brother at Pete’s Tavern (ignore the lack of snow in the photograph, this one’s from the summer), it’s a bit out of my usual stomping grounds, but what the heck. Just from the exterior, you can tell that this place is old, a plaque by the […]

La Lucha

I had a chance to check out La Lucha (147 Avenue A) last month (a few days after it had opened) with two friends who had heard about it on Urban Daddy.  I was really excited to finally have another viable Mexican option on Avenue A besides Benny’s Burritos & San Loco. The first thing that […]

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