East Village Eats

Food & Drink recommendations straight from the East Village, New York City

Akter Grocery Busted Again

Akter Grocery (aka Anwar Grocery) was shut by the NYPD on New Year’s Eve for selling alcohol to minors & operating with an expired liquor license.  Apparently they’re at it again & have been shuttered for the second time.  I passed by yesterday around 8:30pm & there were several police officers outside shutting the gate & […]

Toucan & The Lion Revisited

I first visited back in December (review) and tried a few dishes from what I thought was the full menu.  It turns out that that was just the tip of the iceberg & the complete menu is now in full swing.  Not much has changed, but there are now 8 shared plates, 5 mains, 5 sides & a […]

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