East Village Eats

Food & Drink recommendations straight from the East Village, New York City


I’ve been watching this space for quite some time so I finally decided to bite the bullet & went for dinner on my Dad’s birthday.  It was a Wednesday at 8:30 and the place was already packed.  We got a seat in the corner by the window & started studying the menu.  It’s not particularly […]

East Village Eats Tour Postponed!

News is scarce, but the Food Tour slated for this Saturday has been postponed till October.  I’ll post more info as it becomes available.  In recompense, Idle Hands will be offering free drinks this Saturday from 5-6.  Just show your Thrillist printout. Update: Ian Duncan digs up more info here.

East Village Eats Tasting Tour 2010

Updated: Click here for info on the 2012 event. I suppose with this year’s East Village Eats just around the corner (info here), it was time that I wrote a recap of the awesome time that I had the year before.  It was 8 months almost to the day ago, but I took loads of pictures & several […]

‘Kick-Off Coffee Program’ at Vandaag?

I found this image recently while surfing the internet (as we all do sometimes) & I’ll admit that I’m somewhat intrigued.  I love coffee, I never have a bad time at Vandaag (reviews) & it seems that the speakers (tasters, roasters & baristas) know what they’re doing.  Problem is, I can’t find any information on […]

East Village Eats Tasting Tour

Updated: Click here for info on the 2012 event. First of all, let me say that I have nothing to do with the organization of this amazing tasting tour lined up for next Saturday. I was just luckily enough to start a blog of the same name a few months before the 1st tour last […]

SOS Chefs Closes

I’m not sure how the hell I missed this, but on June 1st, EVGrieve reported that SOS Chefs, a high-end chef supplier on Avenue B has closed.  I used to love looking through the shop when it first opened, but I did think that the ingredients were a bit on the expensive side.  Still it’s […]

Russ & Daughters Celebrates Herring

Apparently it’s Herring Season! Russ & Daughters on Houston Street, home of (what is in my opinion) the best bagels, Lox & smoked fish is throwing a bash at the Astor Center on June 28th.  The short 4-5 week timeline where herring are at their optimum means that this is a chance not to be missed.  Anything […]

Luca Bar Seized

The Local East Village has reported that Luca Bar, a European bar/restaurant on St. Mark’s has been seized by the state for owing more than $31K in back taxes. I ate there once & had a totally forgettable meal, so I’m not sad to see the place go.  I am, however, crossing my fingers that […]

Highland Pacific

I realize that this is a blog about East Village, NYC food, but I do sometimes post from other areas, such as Brooklyn, etc.  So why, you might ask, am I reviewing a seafood restaurant in Denver, Colorado?  Well, because I love the food there & make a point of going at least once every […]

Discounts At Discovery Wines

Discovery Wines will spend it’s last day at it’s current location this Saturday.  They plan on reopening at 16 Avenue B (at 2nd Street) on July 1st. In an effort to unload stock before the move, Discovery are offering 30% off of purchases of 12 bottles or more.  They’ve also marked down several bottles by 25%, look for the […]

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